Transport Assessments
Transport Implementation Strategies
Transport Statements
Travel Plans
Planning Agreements
Public Inquiries and Representations
On-site Layout and Design
Highway and Junction Design
Parking Studies
WelTAG and WebTAG
Walking, Cycling and Horse Rider Assessment & Review Reports
Safe Routes in Communities (SRiC) Assesments
Managing Road Safety Audits
Highway Condition Surveys
Travel Plan Implementation
Active Travel Audits
Vehicle Swept-path Analysis
An assessment of the baseline transport situation, the multi-modal trip generation associated with new development or changes of use to existing development.  An assessment of the consequent impact of new or reassigned movement on the performance of local transport and highway networks.  Often including highway safety analysis public transport demand analysis and highway capacity modelling.
An assessment of baseline transport conditions including forecasting the multi-modal movement generated or attracted by new development proposals or changes of use.
The management and undertaking of traffic or active travel surveys.
An assessment of existing parking demand both at private developments or on the public highway network, often using the Lambeth methodology or similar.  Capability to undertake local area wide assessments.
The development of strategies and measures to facilitate and encourage sustainable travel by public transport and active travel modes. The development of management and monitoring strategies.
An assessment often prior to the commencement of development of the condition of existing highway carriageway and associated infrastructure. A site visit is undertaken to fully document the condition of the highway within the study area.
Assisting client with the implementation of Travel Plans including the production and dissemination of travel information. The undertaking of travel behaviour surveys and production of monitoring reports often for submission to LPAs.
Advising clients on the highways and transport content of Section 106 planning agreements.
The preparations of TIS in accordance with TAN 18: Transport requirements. Frequently form part of Transport Assessments.
Advising clients and/or architects on parking and highway design considerations including the preparation of preliminary designs.  Often involving vehicle swept-path analysis.
Completing Safe Routes in Communities (SRiC) Assessments, in relation to Schools, in compliance with relevant guidance both in Wales.
Completing active travel audits in compliance with relevant guidance both in Wales and England.
The completion of WCHAR reports involving site visits and collision analysis in full accordance with DMBR guidance.
Acting as expert witness at Public Inquiries, Hearings and providing evidence for planning appeals.
Experience of undertaking WelTAG and WebTAG assessments in compliance with relevant guidance both in Wales and England.
Simulating vehicle tracking through site or highway design layouts to assess their efficiency. Completed within AutoCAD.
The preparation of preliminary designs of highway links and junctions including provision for active travel infrastructure.
Liaison with the Highway Authority, client and Road Safety practice including preparation of the road safety audit brief.  Attendance of the site audit and providing assistance to the principal designer with preparation of the designer’s response report. 
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Asbri Transport Limited, 2 Oldfield Road, Bocam Park, Bridgend CF35 5LJ // Company Registration Number: 07637888 // © Asbri Transport