Land Use:
Services Provided:
Project Description:
Key Contacts:

Mixed Use Development
Local Government
Commercial and Residential
Transport Statement
Travel Plan
Vehicle Swept-path Analysis
Mixed use development including residential and a drive-through restaurant on land near Junction 44 of the M4 motorway.
We provided all transport planning services for a commercial and residential development on land near junction 44 of the M4 motorway. The project entailed the production of a comprehensive Transport Assessment, technical addenda, and a preliminary design of Section 278 Highway Works.  We also managed the Road Safety Audit process.
We led on all transport planning negotiations with SWTRA and the local Highway Authority during the extensive planning process that culminated in the grant of outline planning permission.
Llansamlet / M4. Junction 44
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Asbri Transport Limited, 2 Oldfield Road, Bocam Park, Bridgend CF35 5LJ // Company Registration Number: 07637888 // © Asbri Transport