Land Use:
Services Provided:
Project Description:
Key Contacts:

Blue Light Hub, Ashlands, Milton Keynes
Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue
Emergency Services
Transport Assessment
Parking and Servicing
Management of Safety Audits
Trip Generation and Traffic Impact
Junction Modelling
Vehicle Swept-path Analysis
Access Design
Active Travel
The project involved the construction of a new emergency services hub at a site in Ashlands, Milton Keynes. The hub accommodates the Fire, Police and Ambulance services.
We ensured there was a robust assessment of active travel, public transport and traffic impacts.  Assessment and design of site access, servicing, parking and active travel links.
We demonstrated to National Highways that the impact on the nearby A5 trunk road was acceptable.
Blue Light Hub, Ashlands, Milton Keynes
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Asbri Transport Limited, 2 Oldfield Road, Bocam Park, Bridgend CF35 5LJ // Company Registration Number: 07637888 // © Asbri Transport