Land Use:
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Taylor Wimpey Residential Project
Taylor Wimpey Plc.
Transport Statement
Travel Plan
Vehicle Swept-path Analysis
Residential development of 230 dwellings at land to the north and south of Grafton Lane, Hereford.
Asbri Transport provided all transport planning services for Taylor Wimpey Plc for a 230-unit residential development on land near Grafton Lane and adjacent to the A49 trunk Road, to the south of the city of Hereford.  The development will be served by a new signal-controlled junction providing direct access to the A49 trunk road. It will deliver a Traffic Regulation Order to allow a section of Grafton Lane in the vicinity of the site to be only be used by pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians.
The project entailed the production of a comprehensive Transport Assessment, technical addenda, a Travel Plan and a Walking, Cycling and Horse-Riding Assessment to DMRB standard, believed to be one of the first undertaken in the UK to DMRB standards.
We worked successfully with SYSTRA who undertook VISSIM microsimulation traffic modelling of the development’s impact on the A49. We also managed the safety audit process relevant to the highway works that will provide the development’s access from the trunk road. We led on all transport planning negotiations with National Highways and Herefordshire Council, the local Highway Authority during the extensive planning process that culminated in the grant of outline planning permission.
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Asbri Transport Limited, 2 Oldfield Road, Bocam Park, Bridgend CF35 5LJ // Company Registration Number: 07637888 // © Asbri Transport