We are pleased to have provided all transport planning services for Taylor Wimpey Plc for a 230 unit residential development on land near
Grafton Lane and adjacent to the A49 trunk road, to the south of Hereford. The project entailed the production of a comprehensive Transport
Assessment, several subsequent technical documents, a Travel Plan and a Walking, Cycling and Horse-Riding Assessment (WCHAR) to
DMRB standards.
The scheme received a resolution to grant outline planning permission yesterday with access matters considered in detail. The development
will be accessed via a new signal-controlled junction on the A49 trunk road. Subject to the implementation of a TRO a section of Grafton Lane
will become a pedestrian/cyclist and equestrian only route.
We led on all transport planning and highway negotiations with National Highways providing many of the technical submissions in response to
their 9 holding responses issued on the application.Thanks to all the project team, but in particular Matt and team at SYSTRA for VISSIM
strategic modelling, Steve & Rhys at Quad Consult for civil engineering input and also to a patient client.
Thanks to all Team Asbri both present and former team members who have all worked on the project and have accompanied me on the
several Hereford trips over the years. We look forward to this scheme progressing to construction.