Land Use:
Services Provided:
Project Description:
Key Contacts:

Upper Cosmeston Farm, Penarth
Austin Smith: Lord / Welsh Government
Transport Assessment
Environmental Statement Chapter 10
Travel Plan
Junction Modelling
Vehicle Swept-path Analysis
Access Design
Active Travel
The project involves the construction of approximately 576 residential dwellings (2-5 beds) and a Primary School on land at Upper Cosmeston Farm, Penarth.  Ensured there was a robust assessment of active travel, public transport and traffic impacts, including the modelling of the Merrie Harriers junction.  Assessment and design of site access, parking and active travel links.  Provided a Travel Plan for the future residents of the development.
Upper Cosmeston Farm, Penarth
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Asbri Transport Limited, 2 Oldfield Road, Bocam Park, Bridgend CF35 5LJ // Company Registration Number: 07637888 // © Asbri Transport